Without the gospelAll of us are useless and empty;Without the gospelWe are not Christians;Without the gospelAll wealth is poverty,Wisdom is foolishness before God,Strength is weakness,All human justice is condemned of God,But by the knowledge of the gospel,We are made children of God,Brothers of Jesus Christ,Fellow citizens of the saints,Citizens of the kingdom of heaven,Heirs of God with Jesus Christ,By whom the poor become rich, the weak powerful, the fools wise, the sinners justified, the desolate comforted, the doubting certain, the slaves set free.It is the power of GodFor the salvation of all believersAnd the key to the knowledge of GodWhich opens the door of the kingdom of heavenTo unbelievers lying in their sins.Happy are all thoseWho hear and keep it.For by that they showThat they are children of God.Miserable are thoseWho wish neither to hear nor follow it:For they are children of the devil.Taken from John Calvin's preface to Pierre Robert's French translation of the New Testament (1535), as recorded in
The Piety of John Calvin: A Collection of His Spiritual Prose, Poems, and Hymns (page 206), translated by Ford Lewis Battles (1915-1979)
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