(Please note this change to the Puritan Reading Challenge schedule.)
After reading the biographical outline of Jeremiah Burroughs' life contained in Meet the Puritans by Beeke and Pederson, I came away with the following impressions:
1) God sometimes calls his servants home early in life. Jeremiah Burroughs only lived from 1600-1646, but his impact is still being felt today.
2) Blessed are the peacemakers. On his study door was written: Opinionum varietas et opinantium unitas non sunt hasustata ("variety of opinion and unity of opinion are not incompatible"). Burroughs, while in the midst of some of the most contentious issues in the life of the English church, attempted to be a peacemaker and a conciliator. These were not mere words to him, but rather a rule to live by.
3) Life wasn't easy for these guys. As we have also seen in the lives of Sibbes, Flavel, and Watson, the English Puritans suffered many hurts and insults for their desire to remain true to their God and to their consciences. His refusal to compromise his principles led to him fleeing to the Netherlands for two years.
Today we have much more than these 17th Century Puritans. In fact, it would be difficult for them to begin to imagine the comforts, privileges, and wealth that we possess today. Yet, will we discover during April's reading that Contentment comes harder for us than for them?
Read-Aloud Video: ‘Arlo and the Keep-Out Club’
17 hours ago
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